How you can help
"We recognise our inadequacy
and offer it back to God
so that He can work through us."
If Brother Michael’s life inspires you, there are three ways you can help the Cause for his canonisation:
Your testimonials
Although his ‘Cause’ can only be formally launched in 2025, five years after his death, we are looking for material that might support our claim that Brother Michael is indeed a candidate for sainthood. Already we have an ever-expanding archive of his writings, prayers, spiritual reflections and interviews, both written and online, as well as his biography, a new book on his life and spirituality and some artefacts connected with him.
So we want to add to the archive a body of evidence that speaks of Michael’s saintliness. We seek testimonials from all those who feel their lives have been influenced by his life, even if they never met him. We welcome signed, written statements that would help to:
build a picture of his Christian life and spirituality – showing that he might be worthy to be considered for the path to canonisation
show how his example has encouraged people privately to seek his spiritual intercession on their behalf.
The attributes of heroic virtue and holiness are crucial: we will need witness that Michael’s reputation has led people to pray to him privately and that they have benefited from his intercession.
We hope to gather information – in the UK and abroad - from all areas and periods of Michael’s life. The intention is to catalogue evidence so that it can be presented in a coherent way, but it will remain private and will not be published without your consent. Any testimonial will be held confidentially and only disclosed to the Cause’s postulator and his/her assistants.
For more guidance about how you might write a testimonial, scroll to ‘Writing a Statement’ at the bottom of this page. For inspiration, do read ‘Who are you looking for? – an introduction to the life and spirituality of Michael Strode’, by John Wolff.
Your prayers
Do please pray for the success of our mission. Our campaign prayer speaks of Brother Michael’s spirituality. And, although public veneration is not yet allowed, we can all pray that he may intercede for our own intentions.
The costs
All the costs of the Cause – including those of the Congregation in Rome - must be met by its promoters. This includes copying and archiving costs, travel for researchers and the expenses of the Postulator, over a period of (perhaps) decades and covering his travel and hotel costs in two or more countries. If you feel able to make a contribution, please email Anything you can spare will be acknowledged and very much appreciated.
Your support
If you are interested in supporting the Cause in any way, or have any ideas on how the CBMC might promote it, please contact the Secretary at CBMC at Oakfield Park, 32 Bilton Road, Rugby CV22 7HQ or

Writing a statement
The following document is intended as a guide only, but may provide a useful prompt when writing your own testimonial in support of the cause. To read the 2nd page scroll down. Clicking on the icon in the top right hand corner will take you to a printable version.

Testimonial Front and Witness Attestation Sheets Template
Please download this to ensure your Testimonial is in the correct format. Your Testimonial statement should be inserted, starting at the top of page 2 after the front sheet, and be followed at the end by the Attestation Sheet. Your signature should be witnessed by a priest, preferably your parish priest, who should affix the parish stamp in the space below his witness attestation and signature